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Updated: Dec 22, 2020

  1. Using a pair of scissors, remove the fins from upper and lower parts of the body.

  2. Remove the scales by running the blunt edge of the knife from head to tail.

  3. Turn the fish over and use the scissors to cut down the belly, from the tail to head.

  4. Carefully remove the innards of the fish and its roe, if any. (Wrap in paper and throw away)

  5. Thoroughly wash the fish, inside and out, under cold running water.

  6. Put the fish on a chopping board and, with a sharp knife, remove the head. (Cutting just behind the gills. The gills are removed to stop the fish becoming bitter tasting when cooked)

The fish can now be boned

  1. Open the fish to show the bones on the inside.

  2. Work the scissors along backbone, releasing rib bones as you go.

  3. Now run a sharp knife down the backbone, cutting through bone

  4. Pull out the backbone from head to tail.

  5. Wash the fish well in cold water

The fish can now be filleted

(Always use a long, sharp knife with a flexible blade)

  1. Cut along the backbone, starting at the head end working towards the tail. (Remember to keep the blade as close to the bone if you haven't de-boned your fish)

  2. Turn over and cut from tail to head.

To remove bones after filleting

  1. Put fillets skin side down

  2. Gently release the bones from the tail end.

  3. Using a sharp knife work along the fillet, from tail to head.

Repeat on the second fillet

To skin the fillets

  1. Put the fish skin side down.

  2. Cut a little of the flesh away from the skin at the tail end.

  3. Hold the knife at a slight angle and gently cut between the flesh and the skin using a sawing motion.

(Remember to keep hold of the skin when skinning fish)

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