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Updated: Dec 22, 2020

Cooking a whole bird need not be a time consuming and complicated ordeal. These three easy steps show you just how simple it can be to achieve perfect poultry.

Most poultry is already plucked, drawn and trussed. If frozen, defrost fully before cooking. Large birds may take up to 1-2 days to fully defrost in the fridge.

Remove the giblets before cooking. Cut the bitter gall bladder away from the liver. Keep the liver, heart, neck and gizzard for making stocks and gravy.

Rinse the inside of the bird with cold water and wipe the outside thoroughly with a clean, damp cloth. Pluck off any feathers remaining on the legs, wings or body.

Prick the skin of fatty poultry such as duck or goose. Make sure to cook such birds on cooking racks to allow the fat to drip away.

Either stuff or season the bird before cooking. If using stuffing then place in the neck end to ensure thorough cooking. DO NOT STUFF THE BODY.

Cut a lemon in half and place in the body cavity to keep the poultry moist during cooking.

Rub seasoning such as salt and pepper, paprika and chopped herbs over the flesh of the bird, if you like.

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