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Updated: Dec 22, 2020

Marinating tenderises meat or fish and gives a dish a subtle flavour. Learn the basic ingredients then experiment with your own combinations.

A marinade is a mixture of aromatic herbs, spices and liquids in which foods are soaked prior to cooking. The process improves the flavour of the food and helps tenderise it.

There are a few ingredients that always form the basis of a marinade. Acidic liquids such as wine, vinegar and lemon juice are used as they break down the muscle fibre in the meat, poultry or fish and tenderise the flesh. Oil is added to prevent the food drying out during the long marinating time.

Herbs and spices such garlic, thyme, rosemary, coriander, cumin, bay leaves, allspice, pepper and parsley, are added for flavour, as are carrots, onions, garlic and leeks.



Fish readily absorbs flavours so it can be marinated for shorter periods of time.

Large joint and meats need longer than steaks, chops or cubes of meat.

Where the liquid used is less acidic, a beer marinade for example, marinating needs to be longer to allow more time for the meat to become tender.

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