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White fleshed fish have a more delicate flavour than oily fish; they are low in fat, making them easy to digest, and are perfect for incorporating into a whole range of recipes.

Red Mullet

A small fish usually weighing 175g (6oz), although it may sometimes weigh 450g (1lb) or more. It is a round, pink coloured fish with white, delicately flavoured flesh. Care must be taken to remove the large, tough scales before cooking. Serve whole, fried or baked.


A large round fish, with silvery-grey back and sides and a yellowish or white underneath. The flesh is white and firm in texture. Available as steaks, fillets or whole fish. Small bass may be grilled or fried. The larger fish have particularly good flavour and are best poached or baked.

Grey Mullet

Grey mullet is not related to the red mullet. It is a round fish with a silvery-grey skin and quite distinct stripes. The flesh is firm and white with a mild flavour. When sold whole, it is ideal for either poaching, or baking. Or buy as fillets and grill.


A round fish varying in size from 1-20kg (2-40lb). It has a grey mottled skin and firm white flesh. Small whole fish are available occasionally but cod is usually sold as fillets or steaks. The flaky texture is ideal for incorporating into cooked dishes, including sauces, pastries and soups. Alternatively serve grilled, poached, baked or, in the favourite British way, fried in batter.


A deep sea fish. A particularly ugly fish with a very large head. Only the tail is eaten. It is sold either whole or sliced into cutlets. The flesh is firm, white and succulent. The firmness of the flesh makes it ideal for kebabs, baking or grilling as cutlets. It can also be poached. Serve either hot or cold with mayonnaise.


A large, round fish with firm, white flesh. Usually sold as cutlets or fillets, it is a very versatile fish that can be cooked in a variety of ways. Try it grilled, poached, microwaved or steamed or coated in breadcrumbs and fried or baked. Haddock, particularly smoke haddock, is often used in fish pies.


An oily river fish, salmon is considered the King of fish for both its flavour and appearance. It has bright, silvery scales and pinkish-red, close textured flesh. Good quality farmed salmon can be obtained through-out the year. It is available whole or as steaks or cutlets. Whole salmon can be poached and served with hollandaise sauce. Steaks and cutlets are better grilled. It is also available smoked.

Rainbow Trout

This is the most common trout. It has a goal-green skin and whitish flesh. It is readily available throughout the year. Served whole with the head, or as fillets. It can be poached, fried, grilled or baked. Also available smoked.


An oily sea fish, tuna is related to the mackerel, but is much larger. It has a dark blue back and a silvery-grey belly and sides. The flesh is darkish red which turns fawn on cooking. Tuna flesh is much heavier and meatier than other fish. When fresh it is sold in steaks, but is more commonly sold canned. Fresh tuna can grilled or poached.


Similar to the herring, this is a small, immature pilchard. They are usually sold canned but fresh sardines are becoming more readily available. Fresh sardines can be served grilled, lightly brushed with butter and lemon juice. They are also good barbecued, fried or baked.


This is a fairly small but slender fish with brown flesh. It has a striped green and blue back with a silvery underside. Mackerel can be served grilled, or stuffed and baked. Smoked mackerel is eaten cold.


These are tiny fry, or young, of herrings or sprats. Silvery skinned with grey white flesh, they are only about 2.5cm (1in) in length. They are eaten whole without gutting. Coat in flour and deep fry.


Silvery-blue fish with a brownish flesh and distinctive flavour, herrings can be grilled, fried, stuffed and baked, soused or marinated. They are also sold smoked as kippers.

Skate Wing

A huge, flat, kite shaped fish, only the wings are eaten. Small ones are sold whole whilst larger wings are sliced. The flesh parts easily from the fan shaped arrangement of large bones. The cooked flesh is creamy white and has a very delicate flavour. Skate is best shallow-fried or poached and served with a black butter or hollandaise sauce.


This gre-brown fish has distinctive oranges spots on its topside. The brightness of the spots are an indication of freshness; the brighter the better. The underside is white, as is the flesh which is very delicately flavoured and soft in texture. Sold whole or as fillets. Serve either shallow or deep-fried, coated in egg and breadcrumbs, grilled steamed or stuffed and baked. Flounder is very similar to plaice but without the orange spots on the topside. Serve it in the same ways as plaice.

Dover Sole

This large flat fish is sold either whole or as fillets. It has a brownish-black skin. It has a firm flesh and quite a strong flavour. Serve fried in butter, poached and coated with a sauce or sliced and deep-fried.

Lemon Sole

Another variety of sole, lemon sole has paler brown skin than Dover sole. The flavour is more delicate and the flesh is less compact. It is slightly cheaper than Dover sole, although it is still considered a superior fish. Sold whole or in fillets, it can be cooked in the same ways as Dover sole.


A large diamond shaped flat fish with a dappled brown back. It has slightly pink flesh which has a delicious flavour. It is usually cooked as steaks or fillets and can be steamed, poached in wine, or fried.

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