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Dried pulses, such as beans, peas and lentils, are a healthy addition to your diet. They're rich in protein, minerals, vitamin B and fibre, and there's such a wide variety, you can use them in all kinds of dishes.

Dried pulses are usually sold ready packed, although healthy food and specialist shops may sell them loose. Always buy plump looking ones which are bright and clear in colour. They can be stored for many months but get harder and tougher with age.


The different type of lentil include red, yellow, brown and green varieties. All make an excellent basis for soups and stews and are also good tossed with butter or olive oil and served with poultry or meat.

Lentil Preparation

lentils do not need to be soaked. Wash and cooked in plenty of water. The cooking time varies according to the type of lentil: 30-45 minutes is usually sufficient.


The most commonly available dried beans are white haricot and cannellini beans, black eyed beans, red and black kidney beans, pink speckled pinto and borlotti beans, green flageolets (Young haricot beans taken from the pod before they are ripe), soya beans and butter beans.

Bean Preparation

All types of beans need to be soaked overnight in cold water before cooking. Red and black kidney beans contain a toxin which prevents protein absorption by the body. To remove this, they must be boiled fast for 10 minutes then simmered for 50 minutes. Canned beans have already undergone this process and need no further preparation.


Green and yellow dried whole peas and split peas come from the field pea, a less sweet variety of garden pea. The hazelnut shaped chick pea is actually a separate species. It forms the basis of many well known Mediterranean and middle eastern dishes. Hummus, for example, is made from a thick purée of chick peas.

Peas Preparation

Whole peas, split peas and chick peas need to be soaked overnight. Whole peas cook in 45 minutes, chick peas take 2-4 hours.

Most of the pulses needed in recipes are now available canned, and need only to be drained and rinsed before use.

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